Meet Our Winner – Hear For The Holidays Giveaway

by | Mar 10, 2022 | Hearing Loss, Patient Resources

With hearing loss affecting one in eight people in the United States, the World Health Organization has ranked it as the third most debilitating condition worldwide.

While audiologists can do all they can to promote the benefits of early prevention and care, for some people, the picture isn’t that simple.

Whether the reason they haven’t taken the first step is because of financial constraints or fears about how hearing aids will look, there are many setbacks that can prevent someone from accessing treatment.

That’s why, last November, we gave someone special the opportunity of a lifetime.

Our Hear for the Holidays giveaway gave one special person in Greensboro the opportunity to win a pair of hearing aids and access to our expert audiological care.

Fast forward to now, we are pleased to finally announce the winner as… Judi Conrad!

The winner, Judi:

Not many people can say they have the ability to leave a profound impact on someone’s life, but Judi can.

During her day-to-day life, she handles end of year life planning, ensuring she is both professional and caring. Even so, that she made a lasting impression on one particular resident…

They said, “Judi and I met a few weeks ago – she handled my mother’s end of year life planning details. She’s been doing this for about 10 years now.

“She is a truly lovely woman with a heart of giving and helping people make better decisions about their loved ones.

“We talked a bit about hearing aids, and I said she had to go to Aim Hearing. We have had such an amazing service from Dr. Shannon and Dr. Emil.

“She said we have two years till we get our house paid off and then we can afford it, but she would really benefit from hearing aids.”

With selflessness a strong part of Judi’s character, Judi chose to donate her hearing aids to someone in the community and further change someone else’s life for the better.

We feel grateful to have been a part of Judi’s journey and wish her all the best. 

On another note, the whole team would like to say thank you to everyone who took part in our Hear for the Holidays competition.

Moments like these resonate deeply and further remind us how lucky we are to be able to do what we do.

Do you know somebody that needs to see this? Why not share it?

Chelsea Turner, B.S., H.I.S. Turner, B.S., H.I.S.

Chelsea Turner received her bachelor of science in communication science disorders -audiology from the University of North Carolina, Greensboro in 2015. She has participated in the La Luz de Cristo Ministries mission trip to provide hearing health care for those in need in Empalme de Boaco, Nicaragua.

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