Effective Earwax Removal Techniques: A Guide by Aim Hearing

by | Sep 19, 2024 | Earwax, Patient Resources

Maintaining good ear health is crucial, and one essential part of this is proper earwax management. While earwax is a natural substance that plays a protective role in your ear health, it can cause problems when it builds up or becomes impacted. 

Aim Hearing specializes in safe and effective earwax removal, ensuring you get the relief and comfort you need. 

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you understand the best practices for earwax removal. 

Understanding Earwax: What It Is and Why It Matters 

Earwax, or cerumen, is a waxy substance produced by glands in your ear canal. It has several important functions, including: 

  • Protecting the ear by trapping dust, debris, and bacteria. 
  • Lubricating the ear canal, preventing dryness and itchiness. 
  • Acting as a barrier to protect the eardrum from infection. 

However, when earwax accumulates or becomes impacted, it can lead to various symptoms, such as hearing loss, discomfort, dizziness, and tinnitus. Knowing how to manage earwax effectively can help prevent these problems. 

Common Symptoms of Earwax Buildup 

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, you might have earwax buildup: 

  • Muffled hearing or hearing loss 
  • Ear fullness or stuffiness 
  • Earaches or discomfort 
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) 
  • Dizziness or vertigo 
  • Balance issues 
  • Itchiness or irritation in the ear canal 
  • Decreased hearing aid performance 

If you notice these symptoms, it’s time to consider earwax removal options. 

Dos and Don’ts of Earwax Removal 

1. Avoid Using Cotton Swabs:

It’s tempting to reach for a cotton swab when you feel earwax buildup, but this can push the wax deeper into the ear canal, potentially causing impaction or damage to the eardrum. Instead of removing earwax, cotton swabs may create a blockage or even harm the delicate structures of your ear. 

2. Consider Over-the-Counter Solutions:

A safer alternative is using earwax removal drops available at pharmacies. These solutions, often made from mineral oil, hydrogen peroxide, or saline, are designed to soften the earwax, making it easier to remove. Here’s how to use them: 

  • Apply the Drops: Tilt your head and apply the drops as instructed. 
  • Facilitate Deeper Penetration: Gently pull your earlobe in various directions. 
  • Drain the Ear: After a few minutes, tilt your head the opposite way to let the softened wax and solution drain out. 

Always follow the instructions provided with the product to ensure safe and effective use. 


When Should You Seek Professional Help? 

While over-the-counter solutions can be helpful, there are times when professional help is necessary. You should consult a hearing care professional if: 


  • You experience significant discomfort, pain, or hearing loss. 
  • You suspect an excessive buildup of earwax. 
  • You have persistent symptoms like tinnitus or dizziness. 

Why Choose Aim Hearing for Earwax Removal?

1. Microsuction:

Microsuction is a gentle vacuum method that provides precise removal of earwax without the need for water or syringing. It is highly effective and minimizes discomfort during the process. 

2. Curette and Suction:

For more challenging cases, we use a curette and suction method. This gentle technique involves using a specialized tool to carefully remove stubborn earwax while minimizing any risk to your ear canal or eardrum. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Earwax Removal

Is Earwax Removal Painful?

Most earwax removal procedures are not painful. Irrigation and microsuction are typically comfortable, and any minor discomfort from the use of a curette is minimized by the expertise of our specialists. 

Will Earwax Removal Help My Hearing?

In many cases, individuals who come in thinking they have a hearing loss discover their hearing improves immediately after earwax removal. Removing impacted earwax helps maintain healthy ears, which can significantly enhance your hearing. 

Schedule an Earwax Removal Appointment Today 

You don’t have to live with the discomfort and inconvenience caused by impacted earwax.

Aim Hearing’s specialists have the expertise, experience, and equipment to safely and effectively remove earwax, helping you maintain healthy ears and clear hearing. 

Contact us by calling (336) 295-1064 to set up an appointment for safe and effective earwax removal by one of our professionals. 

Schedule Your Earwax Removal Appointment Today!

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Dr. Shannon Frymark Au.D., CCC-A

Shannon Frymark, Au.D., CCC-A, audiologist, was raised in Greensboro, NC. Dr. Shannon’s passion for the field of audiology stems from personal experience. Born with a hearing loss in both ears, she has worn hearing aids since age 3. She is considered a technology expert because of her experience with so many different hearing aids and assistive listening devices throughout the years.She received her Bachelor of Science in Communication Disorders and Master of Arts degree in Audiology from the University of North Carolina Greensboro. She was awarded her doctorate in Audiology from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry: School of Audiology. While in undergraduate and graduate school, she worked at the Central School for the Deaf as a residential counselor. Dr. Frymark spent the first five years of her audiology career with Florida Hospital in central Florida.

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